Month: October 2020
5.8 – Hardhome
Tyrion advises Daenerys. Sansa forces Theon to tell her a secret. Cersei remains stubborn. Arya meets her first target. Jon and Tormund meet with the wildling elders.
5.7 – The Gift
Jon heads east as trouble begins to stir for Sam and Gilly at Castle Black. Sansa asks Theon for help. Tyrion and Jorah are sold as slaves. Cersei savors her […]
5.6 – Unbowed Unbent Unbroken
Arya is put to the test. Tyrion and Jorah are captured by slavers. Loras Tyrell is judged by the Sparrows. Jaime and Bronn face the Sand Snakes. Sansa marries Ramsay […]
5.5 – Kill the Boy
Daenerys arrests the heads of Meereen’s great families. Jon makes a difficult decision. Theon is forced to face Sansa. Stannis rides south. Tyrion and Jorah enter the ruins of Old […]